Dr. Lisa Barsky-Firkser, Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Morris and Sussex Counties will discuss the foster care system in New Jersey and explain CASA’s mission. The lecture will be sponsored by the Thursday Morning Club on January 10, 2019 at 10 a.m. at the Madison Community House, 25 Cook Ave., Madison, NJ. The general public, members and guests are invited to attend the presentation by Dr Barsky-Firkser followed by a buffet luncheon.
CASA’s motto is that “every child deserves a safe, loving, permanent home.” Those who attend the program will learn about foster care in Morris County, the process for a child to enter the foster care system and what happens when a youth Ages-Out of the system. The video, “Removed”, will be shown and Dr. Barsky-Firkser will lead a discussion about why parents abuse and neglect their children as well as how Women’s Clubs and CASA can partner to help these children and teens.
As the only non-profit organization approved by state statute to advocate for children in Family Court, CASA must rely on donations for more than 50% of their budgets each year. The New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, of which the Thursday Morning Club is a member, elected CASA as their Special State Project for 2018-2020. Members of the Thursday Morning Club will participate in club projects that enhance children’s lives in foster care and support CASA’s good work statewide. Money raised by women’s clubs will enhance statewide training, allow CASA to serve more children and facilitate visitation of children placed far from home.
Dr. Barsky-Firkser’s career path leads her to help vulnerable children and their families. Starting as a Special Education teacher for deaf children, followed by 19 years at Saint Barnabas Health Care as Director of Pediatric Outpatient Centers, Dr. Barsky-Firkser joined the CASA staff in 2009. Dr. Barsky-Firkser holds an undergraduate degree in Special Education, a Masters degree in Audiology and a doctorate in Rehabilitation from New York University. She has published numerous articles and presented workshops and seminars around the United States and Canada.
Dr. Barsky-Firkser’s presentation is free and open to the public. To attend the luncheon, RSVP by January 7 to the Madison Community House, 973-377-0244, option 9, and leave a name, phone number and message. The cost of the lunch is $20 payable at the door.
Proceeds from the program will benefit the Madison Community House which is owned and operated by the Thursday Morning Club with its Community House Nursery School, and Before and After School Child Care. Organized in 1896, the club is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) and General Federation of Women’s Clubs(GFWC). The club offers programs and services to support the community, and the Community House provides a home for a number of sports, recreation and civic groups.
For information about the Thursday Morning Club or membership, call the Madison Community House at (973) 377-0244 or visit www.tmcmch.org.

(above) Dr. Lisa Barsky-Firkser.