TMC Installs 2023 officers
At the Thursday Morning Club Annual Meeting, Barbara McCloskey, President Elect of the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), officiated at the installation of this year’s Thursday Morning Club (TMC) Officers. The 13 TMC officers serve two-year terms; to provide transition, six are installed in odd years and seven in even years. Officers installed for the May 2023 – April 2025 term are Susan Packie, 2nd VP, Tricia Armstrong, Recording Secretary, Linda Gero, serving a second term as Treasurer, Gerri Meer, Operations Chair, Anne Lawless, Program Chair, and Vincyne LaCapra, Social Events Chair.
The Thursday Morning Club (TMC), organized in 1896, is a member of the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The TMC offers programs and services to support the Madison area, including a Before and After School Child Care program. In addition, the TMC Madison Community House (MCH) provides a home for a number of sports, recreation, and civic groups. If you would like to serve the community, enjoy interesting programs, and make new friends, consider joining the TMC. For information, call the MCH at 973-377-0244 or at tmcmch.org.