Chief William G. Parenti announced the Third Annual Youth Police Academy is going to be run by the North Plainfield Police Community Policing Unit. The program is a free program designed to provide the youth of North Plainfield the opportunity to gain an understanding of the role of the police officers in their community. Through lectures, hands on practical activities, drilling and physical training that have been designed for the young cadets the goal is to provide them with a working knowledge of Law Enforcement. The program will run on July 10, 2017 through July 14, 2017 from 8:30 AM until 2:30 PM at the West End Elementary School. This year there are 17 attendees that are in 7th, 8th or 9th grade. If you see the cadets raising or lowering the colors at the front of the school each day let them know you support them in their efforts.

(above) Youth academy participants learning about the Somerset County Swat Team.