Approximately 400 teachers, parents, and community members will test their wits for a great cause at the 3rd Annual Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence (CFEE) Team Trivia Night on February 24, 2018 at the Kenilworth VFW, 33 South 21st Street. Approximately 40 teams of roughly 10 people apiece will compete to answer questions about sports, history, science, social studies, and other topics.
Funds raised by CFEE go directly toward innovative educational grants written by teachers or administrators that impact and advance teacher instruction and student learning in the Cranford Public Schools. Last year, CFEE awarded nearly $23,000 in grants to fund innovative classroom projects in the Cranford public schools. The grants brought new resources to students at all levels—from kindergarten through high school—and across subjects, from science and literacy, to math and music.
To learn more about applying for a CFEE grant for your classroom before the March 15 deadline, or to helf support the important work of CFEE,

(above) #teamherning showed their community spirit at the 2017 Trivia Night, wearing “Straight Outta Cranford” tees.

(above) The 2017 winning team, Cranford Newcomers 1, wears their “thinking caps.” Cranford Newcomers 1 Team Captains: Abbie and Chris Signore. Members: Claire & Ryan Cooper; Jen & Chris Lenza; Beth & Shaun Rees; Chris & Matt Delre.