The Warren Green Team’s Virtual Living in Harmony with Nature Series

Living in Harmony with Nature

Managing Your Environmental Footprint

Learn practical, cost-effective, and easy strategies to reduce plastic use and cut down on waste. Presented by the Warren Township Green Team

* Use this link to join our virtual program:

Join by phone: ‪+1 916-581-1598‬ PIN: ‪579 801 423‬#

The amount of solid waste generated and material recycled in New Jersey has been increasing by an average of about 4% annually since 1995 and has surpassed the State’s ability to recycle the amount gathered.

Deciding to REUSE materials rather than to waste or recycle products will improve sustainability, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, conserve natural resources such as trees, clean water and minerals, save energy, and reduce pollution.  Improve your awareness of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle to preserve our beautiful surroundings.

At the conclusion of the program please feel free to take a brief online survey here:

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