Submitted by: Don Sweeney new member of the Memorial Day Parade Committee.
The Memorial Day Parade Committee encourages parade crowds to follow the Parade to the Ceremony.
The Township of Cranford’s respect to the fallen heroes of American war heroes is displayed each year through the annual Memorial Day parade and the emotional ceremony that directly follows it at Memorial Park on the corner of Springfield and Central Avenues. For those who have made the ceremony at Memorial Park part of their Memorial Day morning, year after year, the reason to be there is evident. For those who have never attended, allow us to share why we feel it is time that you may consider giving an hour to the memories of these fine men and woman that have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we, as American citizens, can live the privileged life that we enjoy every day.
Where there are so many reasons why we love living in Cranford, the one that stands out to me is that it is a small American town that has such deep roots into American history. There is no time throughout the year that allows us to display those attributes more than on Memorial Day. The ceremony starts with a song from the Cranford High School band and another by the Madrigals ensemble. Next a middle school student that has been selected through a contest, recites from memory Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address followed by the reading of the 86 names of Cranford’s own war heroes that have given their lives so that we can enjoy ours. This was done, in some years, by Cranford American Veterans who have known the faces of some these young men earlier in their lives. A series of wreaths are now laid at the war memorials in the park and a solemn 21 gun salute is presented as a wreath is floated in the Rahway River for those heroes lost at sea.
This portion of the ceremony ends with an emotional playing of taps. At this point the Grand Marshal of the parade, usually a Cranford resident selected for their service to our country, speaks about what Memorial Day means to them. These speakers have been remembered by me for years to follow. A short prayer from a Cranford clergy and a performance of God Bless America puts a wrap to an amazing morning in Cranford NJ. It all takes less than an hour, an hour that our family has never missed since we moved to Cranford 25 years ago.
If you have lived in Cranford and never witnessed this, what makes Cranford different from most every community, then you should consider picking up your chair from along the parade route and follow the parade. You’ll experience the trail through our town’s beautiful streets to the patriotically decorated Memorial Park. There you will be part of the Americana that makes Cranford a special place to live. Put your chair down on the beautiful lawn and enjoy Cranford. You’ll be glad you did. I’ll see you there.
As a new member of the parade committee I wrote this letter to the editor last year to start the campaign to increase the number of people that gather at Memorial Park after our amazing hometown parade. We lined the streets of town with eye catching lawn signs to remind people of our goal. We heard much response to our request. The expectations were high to see the difference the campaign would bring. Memorial Day delivered us a nasty early morning storm that forced the cancellation of our beloved parade. The ceremony however was conducted in its entirety in the lobby of Cranford’s Community Center atrium lobby. It was plain to see the community got the memo. The lobby was filled to capacity; people were standing outside on the sidewalk and in every doorway to the main room. It was a sight to see. All 86 memorial flags that represent each of our town’s fallen heroes were being held at attention by our town’s Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts around the perimeter of the grand room. This was the first time in our memory that all the flags were displayed at the ceremony.
I encourage everyone to come out and see just one of the events that make Cranford a special place to live. If it’s your first time, I guarantee it won’t be your last.