The Madison Area YMCA Rosettes gymnastics team did an outstanding job at the YMCA National Gymnastics Championships in Toledo, Ohio this summer. Seventy-three Rosettes, 7 to 18 years old, competed along with 2,000 gymnasts from 100 YMCAs across the country. The Level 9 team placed 3rd , the Level 8 team placed 4th, and the Level 7 team placed 3rd . Additionally, Level 6 Rosettes placed individually in different events. Level 3 and Xcel Gold, who do not participate in the team competition, scored many high-ranking individual medals.
“The girls demonstrated excellent skill and spirit as a team,” said Madison Area YMCA Gymnastics Director Ellen Gavin. “They came together, worked hard and performed outstanding routines. Their respect, sportsmanship and support for one another are a testament to what our gymnastics program is all about.”
All seven Level 9 Rosettes qualified for finals which included: Maya Chalker of Madison, Julia Chinni of Madison, Savannah Jenks of Chatham, Ciara Hunt of Madison, Caili McShane of Madison, Grace McCormick of Madison and Isabella Ha of Morristown.
Level 9 gymnasts that placed in Top 8 overall and all-round All American Gymnast included: Maya Chalker – 8th Place Senior Division, Isabella Ha – 7th Place Junior Division, Julia Chinni – 3rd Place Senior Division, Caili McShane – 7th Place Senior Division and Grace McCormick – 8th Place Junior Division.
Level 8 gymnasts that made it to all-around finals in Top 25 Juniors and Top 25 Seniors included: Amanda McPeek of Andover, Megan Peebles of Chatham, Alexandra Xikes of Chatham and Jessica Varca of Chatham.
For 18 years, the Madison Area YMCA Rosettes have ranked in the top 10 YMCA gymnastics teams in the country. The Rosette’s demonstration of skill, poise, spirit, teamwork and sportsmanship continues to be what sets the Madison Area YMCA gymnastics program apart from other programs in the area. The team practices team unity and determination and highly regards the YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Building character, confidence and self-esteem are part of the rich gymnastics experience at the Madison Area YMCA.
As a cause-driven charitable organization, the Madison Area YMCA is dedicated to nurturing the potential of every child and teen, and improving the community’s health and well-being and giving back by providing support to our neighbors.

(above) The Madison Area YMCA’s Rosettes gymnastics team at the YMCA National Gymnastics Championships in Toledo, Ohio.
Photo by Madison Area YMCA.