The Clark Public School District’s Parent University Hosted ‘Choices’

Submitted by Edward Grande

The Clark Public School District recently hosted “Choices,” a presentation featuring former WWE Champion Marc Mero at Arthur L. Johnson High School, Clark, New Jersey. The event was open to all parents and students in the district. Mero also held an assembly for all seventh and eighth grade students at Carl H. Kumpf Middle School during the day.
Mero shared his personal story of loss, addiction, achieving fame, and then learning what really matters. In addition to focusing on the importance of making good choices and goal-setting, Mero discussed bullying, suicide prevention, and substance abuse. He encouraged the audience to dream big and write down their goals as a way to make their dreams a reality.
Superintendent of Schools Edward Grande stated, “Mr. Mero presented on a number of important, highly relevant issues impacting today’s youth in a very engaging and captivating style.  Our hope is that our students listen to his important message and heed his good advice.”
Supervisor of Educational Initiatives Christine Broski commented, “Mero’s personal story encouraged the audience to take a closer look at the choices they make and how those choices impact themselves and those around them. His message about making a positive change truly resonated with those that attended.”
The presentation is part of the district’s Parent University program, which includes community education nights, parent teas, and other assembly-type programs.

(above) Mero addressing seventh and eighth graders at CHK.

(above) Mero’s evening presentation at ALJ.

(above) Mero with VRS students Aidan and Zachary Belverio.

(above) Mero with CHK student Kaitlyn Diaz.

(above) Mero with CEF Member Donna Mulvihill and ALJ student Lauren Mulvihill.

(above) Mero with Superintendent Edward Grande, Supervisor of Educational Initiatives Christine Casale Broski, and Board of Education Members Laura Caliguire, Jill Curran, and Steve Donkersloot.