On November 16th, several Kenilworth community civic groups came together to help the St Theresa’s Social Concerns committee organize 300 bags containing the makings for satisfying and delicious Thanksgiving meals for families in need. All the food had been donated.
The Kenilworth PBA #135, Kenilworth Silver Card Association, Kenilworth Fire Department & Rescue Squad, Kenilworth Veteran’s Center, and Percaro Trucking donated $4,000 to purchase 282 turkeys. The Garlic Rose Restaurant in Cranford, arranged for their distributor to provide the turkeys at wholesale price. The turkeys were added to the bags to be distributed to families from Kenilworth and surrounding towns.
The Social Concerns Committee provides food year-round to needy families and their pantry is always in need of restocking. No appointment is necessary to make a donation. Non-perishable foods and gift cards to any supermarket can be left in the Crying Room in the Church on Sundays. Monday the Rectory during business hours 9 am – 5 pm. Supermarket gift cards and checks made payable to St. Theresa’s can be mailed to Social Concerns c/o The Church of Saint Theresa, 541 Washington Avenue, Kenilworth, NJ 07033.
If you are in need of food you can contact the Rectory at 908-272-4444, they will arrange for a volunteer to meet you at the pantry. The identities of people who receive assistance from the pantry are kept confidential. Names and contact information aren’t required to receive assistance. For more information contact the Church of Saint Theresa 908-272-4444.
With Thanksgiving behind them, Social Concerns is collecting donations for a “Giving Tree” which is located in St. Theresa’s church.
The tree is decorated with tags with needed items written on them. Donors simply take as many tags as they wish and return the items to the church for distribution.
The orders on the tags were collected from needy families within the community as well as Covenant House, Catholic Charities and St. Joseph’s Social Service Center located in Elizabeth.
If you are in need please call the Rectory (908) 272-4444.

(above) Reverend Giovanni Rizzo of St. Theresa’s stopped by to thank the organizations who purchased and sorted the frozen turkeys including members of the Kenilworth PBA #135, Silver Card Association, Fire Department & Rescue Squad, and Veteran’s Center