Tag: Westfield Public Schools

Westfield Schools announce National Honor Society Inductees

National Honor Society 2020 Inductees With in-person ceremonies sidelined due to COVID-19, 163 Westfield High School 12th graders who were inducted last spring as juniors into the National Honor Society, received their NHS certificates, pins, charms, and gold tassels from NHS

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Westfield Superintendent Dr. Margaret Dolan Announces Retirement

Westfield Superintendent Announces Retirement Westfield Superintendent of Schools Dr. Margaret Dolan has announced that she will retire as of July 1, 2021. Dolan made the announcement at the Jan. 19 Board of Education virtual meeting. “It has been a great

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Franklin Elementary School Virtual MLK Celebration

A 4th Grade Virtual MLK Celebration Submitted by Mary Ann McGann On Friday, January 15, 4th-grade teachers and students at Franklin School continued their tradition of celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each fourth-grade teacher provided a Google Meet

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‘A Letter to My Younger Self’ Essay Contest

‘A Letter to My Younger Self’ The College Woman’s Club of Westfield essay contest, ‘A Letter to My Younger Self,’ is now open for female sophomores in high school. Reflect on your life and examine your successes and failures. Write

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