Tag: Westfield Public Schools

10 Westfield High School Student-Athletes Sign Letters of Intent

Westfield High School Seniors Sign Letters of Intent Ten Westfield High School student-athletes signed Letters of Intent with colleges and universities, signifying recognition of the seniors’ accomplishments both academically and athletically. The following student-athletes will continue to compete at the

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China Day at Franklin Elementary School

China Day at FES Submitted by Mary Ann McGann Second graders at Franklin Elementary School in Westfield recently used virtual passports to participate in “China Day,” an annual tradition that promotes the learning of Chinese language, history, and culture as

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Westfield Board of Education Appoints New Superintendent

New Superintendent Dr. Raymond A. González At its virtual meeting on May 4, the Westfield Board of Education unanimously appointed Dr. Raymond A. González as the new superintendent of the Westfield Public School District, effective August 1, 2021. González –

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Westfield Public Schools Come Together to Support the Community

Westfield Public Schools Community Service Week Submitted by Mary Ann McGann Child comfort and support kits for children in homeless shelters, donations of Spanish language books for an aftercare program, and collections of granola bars and other nutritional treats for

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