Tag: Westfield Public Schools

A Lawn Sign Surprise for WHS Seniors

WHS Seniors Lawn Signs Submitted by Mary Ann McGann It took several hours, 8 traffic routes, 45 teachers, and 12 staff members from the Westfield Public Schools and the Westfield Department of Public Works to deliver 387 signs to surprised

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Wilson Primary Students Explore Life Cycle of Plants

First Graders Explore Life Cycle of Plants As the nation celebrated Earth Day on April 22, first graders in the Westfield Public Schools are studying seeds and plants as part of a Life Sciences unit that has youngsters planting seeds

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WHS 11th Grader Selected as New Jersey Governor’s School Scholar

Ashley Talwar Selected as NJ Governor’s School Scholar Westfield Public Schools Westfield High School 11th grader Ashley Talwar has been accepted into the prestigious New Jersey Governor’s School in the Sciences to be held July 11-31, 2021. “As a Governor’s

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Westfield High School Names Award Winning Teachers

WHS Award Winning Teachers Westfield Public Schools Four teachers have been honored by the Westfield High School community with awards of excellence. WHS principal Mary Asfendis announced the award winners, who were nominated by students, during a virtual faculty meeting

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