Tag: Westfield Public Schools

Washington Elementary School Celebrates Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month Westfield Public Schools An annual favorite returned in person to Washington Elementary School on March 24 as third graders welcomed a special woman in their lives to a tea party in honor of Women’s History Month. The

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Girl Scouts Foster a Love of Reading

Westfield Girl Scouts Book Exchange Project Westfield Public Schools A bright blue Little Library at Tamaques School beckons readers to take a book and leave a book, as 5th graders in Girl Scout Troop 40445 proudly presented their book exchange

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Gillian Strout and Yuchen Yang Advance as National Merit Finalists

National Merit Finalists Westfield High School 12th graders Gillian Strout and Yuchen Yang have advanced as Finalists in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program, having met academic and other standards to become eligible for scholarships. The selection of 7,500 Merit Scholarship

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Wilson Elementary School Receives Visit from Famous Alumnus

SpaceX Commander Visits Wilson School Westfield Public Schools The excitement was palpable as Wilson 5th graders awaited the arrival of a famous alumnus on March 16. It was a visit for which the students had painstakingly prepared and, when billionaire

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