Westfield Police Department Hosts National Night Out, August 6th Join the Westfield Police as they host the annual National Night Out Against Crime on August 6th, 2019. The event is being held on Quimbly Street, Westfield NJ 07090, from 6:00pm…
The Westfield PBA Local 90 3rd Annual Car Show The Westfield PBA Local 90 held the 3rd Annual Car Show on July 13th, 2019 at the South Side Train Station. It was a hot and sunny day that brought everyone…
Westfield Police Chief Announces Implementation of Bicycle Patrols Westfield Police Chief Christopher Battiloro has announced the implementation of bicycle patrols on Wednesday, July 2, 2019 – the opening night of Westfield’s Sweet Sounds Downtown Music Festival. Bicycle patrol officers will…
Westfield Police Visit Westfield Area YMCA After-School Program at Tamaques School Chief Battiloro, Captain Padovano, Officer Kenny, Officer DiBella, Chaplain Gibbons and Detective Bureau personnel visited the Westfield Area YMCA afterschool program at Tamaques School on June 19th to drop off…