Tag: Summit police department

Support Needed for Summit Police Sergeant Brian Werthmann’s Recovery

Support Needed for Brian Werthmann’s Recovery The Summit PBA #55 is asking the Summit community to rally in support of Summit Police Sergeant Brian Werthmann, who recently underwent surgery to remove a large acoustic neuroma tumor from his brain and

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Addressing the Recent Increase in Home Burglaries in Summit

Addressing the Recent Increase in Home Burglaries Steven Zagorski Chief of Police Dear Summit Residents,  I am writing to you today to address a critical concern within our community: the recent increase in home burglaries. This trend is not only alarming

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Holiday Safety Tips from the Summit Police Department

Holiday Safety Tips The Summit Police Department is sharing safety tips to ensure a safe and happy holiday season for everyone. When possible, use online tracking to know when packages are being delivered and try to remove them from your

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Attempted Distraction Burglary Avoided

Attempted Distraction Burglary Avoided City of Summit The Summit Police Department responded to an incident that occurred at a Woodland Avenue residence on Saturday, September 23, 2023. According to the victim, the subject, described as a white male with light

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