Tag: Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps

The Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps Needs Your Help!

2021 Capital Campaign Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps  MVAC has reached a critical juncture. Our ambulances, ranging in age from 12 to 18 years, are suffering from all the problems associated with their advancing years. Repair bills continue to increase at

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Wish List Drive for Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps

MVAC 2020 Wish list Drive Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps needs your help. Please join FLAG (Front-Line Appreciation Group) and Student Wish List Project in ensuring that our front line first responders have the supplies they need to stay safe and serve

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Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps Seeks Book Donations

Book Donations sought for MVAC Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps. (MVAC) has set up a book bin donation box next to the squad building at 29 Prospect Street. The box is located on the gravel by the side of the building

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Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps to host Annual Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat event – October 30 In conjunction with Madison Downtown activities, Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps (MVAC) will sponsor the 5th annual Trunk or Treat event on Friday, October 30, 2020.  Residents will be welcome to join Madison Ambulance Corps and decorate

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