Lawrence Law is Proud to Sponsor Autism Think Tank, NJ Lawrence Law is a proud sponsor of “Dueling Pianos at the Stone House” benefiting the Autism Think Tank. This fundraising event is being held at The Stone House at Stirling Ridge in…
Lawrence Law Named New Jersey “Best Law Firm” Lawrence Law has been named New Jersey “Best Law Firm” for Family Law and Family Law Mediation by U.S. News – Best Lawyers® in 2020. The U.S. News and World Report – Best Lawyers® has provided…
Jeralyn Lawrence & Rita Aquilio to Speak at Family Law Program Jeralyn Lawrence, Founder and Managing Member of Lawrence Law, and Rita Aquilio, a divorce lawyer with Lawrence Law, will speak at the NJICLE Hot Tips in Family Law program.…
Jeralyn Lawrence to Moderate Family Law Program at the NJSBA Mid-Year Meeting Jeralyn Lawrence, Founder and Managing Member of Lawrence Law, will co-moderate a panel discussion entitled Hasta La Vista, Bebe! Family Law Issues in New Jersey and Puerto Rico.…