Garwood Daisy Troop Plants Flowers for Badge Submitted by Vanessa Schubring As part of gaining the “It’s Your World – Change it” journey badge, Garwood Daisy Troop 41108 planted in the flower pots around town. In an effort to keep…
Thank You Garwood Police Department A huge thank you to the Garwood Police Department, especially Officer Rivera, Officer Suggs and Officer Mironski for giving Daisy Troop #41108 a police station tour, talking about safety measures and assisting the girls in…
Garwood Daisy Troop #41108 Community Service Event Submitted by Vanessa Schubring On Monday, January 20, 2020, Daisy Troop #41108 participated in their first community service event, “Garwood MLK Jr. Day”. The girls made cards for Veterans, Valentine’s Day cards for…
Garwood’s Daisies A new Daisy Troop was launched in Garwood this fall when 14 kindergarten girls joined Daisy Troop #41108. They are super excited to give back to their community and participate in all the town events. Garwood had their…