9-11 Memorial Ceremony Please join us at the Chatham 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony Monday, September 11, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Memorial Park. Please bring your own seating; this ceremony will take place rain or shine.
Gift and Thrift Boutique NEWS FLASH! SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30 WE WILL BE OPEN FOR A SPECIAL VENDOR EVENT! Open September 9th and 23rd from 9-3pm Add something new to your fashion accessories. All clothing is 50% off for the month…
Woofstock Summer Music Festival Home for Good Dog Rescue Join us for our epic Home for Good Dog Rescue summer music festival event – WOOFSTOCK! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 9th, and Sunday, September 10th, 2023. You don’t want to miss this annual…
Summit Old Guard The Summit Old Guard was founded in Summit in 1930 and meets every Tuesday at the New Providence Presbyterian Church located at 1307 Springfield Ave. Our motto is “Come for the Programs. Stay for the Friends.” September…