Tag: Community Access Unlimited

Continuing Education for Adults with Disabilities in Union County

Continuing Education for Adults with Disabilities Community Access Unlimited There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to education. For adults with developmental disabilities who are looking to continue their academics and job skills training, Community

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CAU Family Caregivers Weathering COVID-19

Family Caregivers Weathering COVID-19 Submitted by Erin Jerome Having reached a dead end in his career, Thomas Corea decided to become a stay-home dad when his son, TJ, was 18 months old. Not long after that, he and his wife,

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Banding Together is Back!

Banding Together: A CAU Benefit Concert Calling all Music Lovers! Join CAU March 22-27 for our benefit concert series! Enjoy the concert every night at 7 PM on Facebook. You don’t need a Facebook account to participate and donate.

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CAU Virtual Services help People with Disabilities and Youth Thrive

CAU Expands Virtual Services Submitted by Erin Jerome Service Providers for people with disabilities continue to raise the bar for remote learning and virtual programs to meet the needs of the people they serve.  Staff at Community Access Unlimited have

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