Reading Café at Valley Road School Submitted by Christine Casale Broski Students and their parents were invited to attend the Reading Committee’s Reading Café at Valley Road School. The goal of the event is to provide a fun evening that…
Anti Texting & Driving PSA Contest Students in Laura Bundy’s Driver Education class at Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark competed in a class-wide anti texting and driving public service announcement contest to share what they learned about the…
Valley Road Fifth Grader Wins 2nd in Art and Writing Contest Tara Mulvihill, 5th grade student from Valley Road School, was awarded second place in both the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children’s Art and Writing Contests, themed Giftedness: A…
Spreading Holiday Cheer Across the United States This holiday season students in Mrs. Kozlowski’s third grade class at Valley Road Elementary School, in Clark, created and sent holiday cards to classes in 48 different states around the country. They have also…