Tag: Clark New Jersey

Cub Scout Pack 145 Spring Cleaning

Cub Scout Pack 145 Memorial Day Spring Cleaning Just in time for the Memorial Day parade, Cub Scout Pack 145 – Den 5 did some spring cleaning and planted flowers on Miller Avenue.

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Maryann Kaelin Advocate for Local Foster Youth

Clark’s Maryann Kaelin Named Advocate for Local Foster Youth Thanks to Maryann Kaelin, Clark was among 13 municipalities represented by the 15 newest court appointed special advocates tasked with serving as extra eyes and ears for family law judges on

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Clark Fire Department Seeks Volunteers

Clark Fire Department Seeks Volunteers The Clark Fire Department continuously accepts applications for the position of volunteer firefighter. Along with interested Township residents, we also accept applications from out of town residents. Those out of town residents should reside within

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Arthur L. Johnson Spring Athletic Awards

Arthur L. Johnson High School Spring Athletic Awards 2019 On Monday, May 13, 2019, the Arthur L. Johnson Athletic Department held their 2019 Spring Athletic Awards ceremony. The evening, sponsored by the Crusader Athletic Booster Club, was held in the ALJ auditorium. Over

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