The Mountainside Restoration Committee, Inc. is seeking participants to secure space for Swapping or Selling their unwanted Spring Cleaning clean-out items or any other items which might interest the crowd. These items might include crafts, merchandise, jewelry, baked goods, clothing, music, collectibles, household items, videos, toys, etc.
The Mountainside Spring Cleaning Sale and Swap Meet will take place on Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 9 am – 2 pm and will be held on the grounds of the Deacon Andrew Hetfield House at Constitution Plaza in Mountainside. In the event of rain, the event will take place, next door, in the Mountainside Fire House garage. After the nominal space fee, individuals or groups keep the profit from their Swap/Sell table. Individuals, groups or organizations wishing to secure table space should pick up a form at the Mountainside Borough Hall, Public Library, or download online at www.mountainsidehistory.org; or call (908)789-9420. Registrations for spaces are due no later than April 25.
While the Sale and Swap meet takes place, the Mountainside Historic Committee will conduct their infamous Chicken Plop Bingo where anyone can take a chance at winning – if the chicken “selects” your number on the grid, you win! There will be several games of Chicken Plop Bingo taking place from 9am – 2pm during the April 29th event.
The Deacon Andrew Hetfield House and Levi Cory House are located at Constitution Plaza adjacent to the Mountainside Library. Constitution Plaza is the first right off Birch Hill Road which is off New Providence Road near the Mountainside Volunteer Fire House. The Mountainside Restoration Committee is a committee of volunteers governed by the Borough of Mountainside whose purpose is to restore and maintain the Deacon Andrew Hetfield House and the Levi Cory House and collect and save historic information and items from destruction. For information or to donate funds, please call (908)789-9420; or, go to: www.mountainsidehistory.org.