September Proclaimed Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Month

(above, l-r) Mayor Fagan with Squad Members Leah Griffith, Laura Benevento and George Shepherd.
Photo by John Staunton

Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Month

Submitted by John Staunton

As has been a longstanding tradition, Mayor Elizabeth Fagan issued a Proclamation designating September as “Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Month” in the City. The Proclamation came as the Squad prepared to launch their annual fund drive. Since it was formed in 1962, the First Aid Squad has been staffed entirely by volunteers and funded solely by private contributions. The Squad receives no government funding and does not bill for service; neither the patients they serve nor the taxpayer has ever received a bill. 

Over a dozen Squad Members attended the meeting to accept the Proclamation including Chief George Shepherd, Deputy Chief Laura Benevento and Vice President Leah Griffith. As the meeting was starting, 4 of those members quickly left the room to answer a 9-1-1 medical emergency call. Just after the presentation, an additional member left to respond to a 2nd 9-1-1 call for a motor vehicle accident. Within 90 minutes of Mayor Fagan’s Proclamation, Squad members would use all 3 ambulances to answer a total of 5 emergency calls in Summit. 

In her Proclamation, Mayor Fagan praised the Squad for answering over 2,300 emergency calls in 2023 and estimated the Squad saves the City about 2 million dollars annually. Doctor Fagan recently visited the Squad for a ”ride-along” with one of its crews. 

The Squad’s fund drive appeal is sent by US Postal mail to every residence and business in Summit. They do not solicit by phone and do not use any outside fundraising agencies. Donations are also accepted online at “Even the fund drive itself is run by volunteers”, noted Public Information Officer John Staunton. 

The all-volunteer First Aid Squad, responds to emergency calls 24/7, is entirely funded through private donations and does not bill for service. The Squad is always looking for new volunteers to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment are provided. For information on becoming a volunteer, or donating to the squad please call 908-277-9479, or visit their website at

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