(above) Applications are being accepted through October 15 as the City of Summit seels volunteers from the community to serve on several of its committees and commissions.
Residents Encouraged to Volunteer
The City of Summit is actively seeking volunteers from the community to serve on several of its committees and commissions. The deadline to submit an application is Thursday, October 15.
Each November, the Mayor and Common Council begin the annual process of reviewing volunteer applications and appointing new members. Terms vary from one to five years of service with an opportunity for re-appointment. The City of Summit keeps applications active for two years.
“The strength of our community is deeply rooted in the talented volunteers who serve on municipal boards and commissions,” explains Summit Mayor Nora Radest. “By volunteering to serve on a board or committee, citizens have the opportunity to enhance government services and public education, and improve community safety and the environment. I encourage residents to submit a volunteer application and to join me in helping to make Summit an even better place to live and work.”
A complete list of volunteer Boards, Committees and Commissions is posted on the City of Summit website and listed on the volunteer application. Please email completed applications to rlicatese@cityofsummit.org or to the Office of the City Clerk at 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901.