Summit Public Library January 2022
Programs for Adults
Every Monday at 12:30 & 6:30 PM, it’s Monday at the Movies! Check the library website www.summitlibrary.org for details.
On Friday, January 7th from 7-8:30 PM Mary Piekarski will be hosting her popular Trivia Night! G-rated fun for adults. Zoom only. Registration required.
On Saturday, January 8th from 3-4 PM, keep your New Year’s resolution to get organized by joining expert organizer Jamie Novak when she shares ten tiny tasks to Jumpstart your January Decluttering. Give yourself a fresh start for 2022. Log on and get your 10 tiny, tidy-up assignments plus, Jamie will guide you through your first mini task live during the program. Zoom only. Registration required.
Tuesday, January 11 from 7-8:30 PM, learn about the life and legacy of Leonard Cohen and how his background influenced his music, lyrics, religion, politics, spirituality, and intimate relationships. Rabbi Hannah Orden of Congregation Beth Hatikvah in Summit and local author Pamela Erens will interview Professor Marcia Pally about her recent book on Leonard Cohen. Musician Judah Goldman will perform some of Cohen’s most iconic songs. In person only. Registration required.
Wednesday, January 12 from 9:30-10:00 AM, Certified Senior Strength Training Instructor Leena Kalle begins another 6-session weekly classes designed to help seniors increase muscle tone, flexibility, balance, strength and endurance using easy-to-follow movements. Online only. Registration required.
Thursday, January 13 at 7:00 PM, author Melanie Curtis will discuss her book, How to Fly: Life Lessons from a Professional Skydiver.
Are you a local business owner or entrepreneur who wants to network with others? Join the Small Business & Entrepreneurs’ Group. Tuesday, January 18 9:30-11:00 AM. Meet, share, learn, and get feedback and encouragement from others who share your interests and goals.
On Thursday, January 20th from 11 am-12 PM, get the inside scoop on what’s hot and what’s not in new releases and attend Book Talk with Debbie! Librarian and book aficionado Debbie Abrams will present this popular program. Feel free to share your own picks and pans-or just attend and come away with a list of new books to read. Zoom only. Registration required.
On Thursday, January 20th from 7-8 PM, join historian Leslie Goddard on Zoom for a nostalgic virtual tour along Route 66, the iconic road that linked Chicago to Los Angeles from 1926 until its closing in the 1980s. What was Route 66 like at its pinnacle and what is it today? Registration required.
Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00 PM meet Dr. Carl Giordano, author of Shoot the Moon: The True Story of a Look Behind the Curtain of Medical School and Residency…and Surviving the Worst in Life. He’ll talk about what becoming a doctor is really like.
Programs for Kids
Winter Bingo: December 26-February 28. Complete the items on the bingo boards in the Children’s Room. You will get a book/prize for every bingo that you earn. Across, up, down, or diagonal.
Chinese New Year Art Show Submissions: January 1-16 – For more information visit: https://www.summitlibrary.org/2022-art-show/
Martin Luther King Book Discussion: Stamped for Kids. Monday, January 17 at 2 PM at The Connection. A partnership between the Connection and the Summit Free Public Library.
Preschool and Elementary Weekly Programs resume: Tuesday, January 18, 2021
Hot Cocoa and Karaoke: Friday January 21 at 3 PM. All Ages with MS. Lisa.
Chinese New Year Celebration: Sunday, January 30 at 2 PM at the Summit Community Center
Programs for Teens:
Chess Corner: 2nd and 4th Monday of every month
Snakes & Scales: Friday, January 28 at 1 PM for teens
Winter Teen Volunteer Session: December 27 – February 25: Grade 6 can apply