Summit Old Guard Announces November Events

Summit Old Guard November Events

If you are a retired male and have an interest in living an interesting life with like-minded men… new members are always welcomed. Meetings are held each Tuesday in the New Providence Borough Hall, 360 Elkwood Ave., New Providence, NJ, starting at 9:30 a.m. with coffee and conversation, followed by programs consisting of stimulating talks. After the meetings, many members join together to have lunch at various local restaurants.

For more information, contact James Hewitt, Chairman, Membership Committee, (908) 233-5507, You can also visit

November Speakers

November 5th Dr. Merv Turner will discuss the need to develop new drugs for old diseases, especially malaria. Dr. Turner’s talk will highlight the obstacles that had to be surmounted in the discovery of this molecule, which is just starting its journey towards the clinic to meet its foe.

November 12th wealth management advisors will speak about the risks and opportunities of tax planning under the new tax law including how to optimize charitable gifting with the changes to deductions, estate planning with the new Federal exemption and making sense of Opportunity Zone investments.

November 19th Dr. William Hagmann will discuss the life of Thomas A. Edison as a rock star of technology and invention in the turn-of-the-century America, despite receiving only a short elementary education. His greatest invention may be the modern research and development and his trial and laboratory that still inspires us today.

November 26th Dr. Matt Wyvratt will talk about an air inversion which took place in a small western Pennsylvania town in the late 1940s.This air inversion created a killer smog resulting in the death of twenty town residents with many more developing serious health problems. This disaster is recognized as the beginning of the clean air movement in the United States.

Check our Events Calendar for More Local Events

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