Summit Lions Club Inducts Officers for 2024-25

(above, l-r) Officers for the year 2024-25: Nancy Jacubczyk PDG; Patty Uzzolino, Secretary; Peter Loeser, Tail Twister; Peter Twill President; Walter Wojcik, Treasurer; Evan Sciarello, Vice President; and Frederick Cuozzo, Immediate Past President and Lion Tamer. 

Officers for the year 2024-25 inducted

The Summit Lions Club

The Summit Lions Club inducted their new officers for the year 2024-25 on June 12th. Lion Past District Governor 16J Nancy Jacubczyk performed the ceremony.

The Summit Lions Club will be celebrating their 98th year as a club whose main mission is to assist the blind and visually impaired. Helen Keller challenged all Lions in 1925 to become Knights of the Blind. Each year many children in the Summit school system are given eye exams and eyeglasses for those that qualify. Other challenge projects we service are for Diabetes, Environment, Pediatric Cancer, Hunger and Youth. Membership is by invitation. If you’re interested contact Peter Twill at 908-565-1694 or visit online at

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