Summer Reading adventure is not just for children and teens

Summer Reading adventure is not just for children and teens

Summit Library

This year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library: La Aventura Comienza En Tu Biblioteca.” Summer Reading is not just for children and teens! Adults are encouraged to participate too. Sign up and receive a special “passport to adventure.” This passport tracks your reading progress and enters you into a drawing for a variety of prizes, including gift cards to local shops and restaurants and tickets to Six Flags and the Crayola Factory. Sign-ups are welcome throughout the summer.

The spirit of adventure is also reflected in the dozens of engaging events and activities planned throughout the summer at the Library, including scavenger hunts, game nights, Dungeons & Dragons sessions, special storytimes, and much more. 

“Summer Reading is our favorite and busiest time of the year, but not just because of all of the outstanding programs that we provide,” said Ann-Marie Aymer, Head of Youth Services at the Library. “We encourage everyone to read all summer regardless of whether they sign up for summer reading or participate in our weekly programs.  For our youngest patrons, keeping up with their reading even when school is out helps to prepare them for their new school year by preventing their summer slide.  However, we also have engaging programs all summer, from arts & crafts to science and math for all ages, that all are welcome to attend.”

Sign up for Summer Reading at the Library or at

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