Summit Library Services Continue
Read any good books lately? If your answer is you have not, you may want to swing over to the Summit Free Public Library’s website, summitlibrary.org, and browse our catalog of books, books on CD, DVDs, and music, among other offerings. Yes, the library may currently be closed to patrons, but our lobby is open Monday-Saturday for lobby pick-up of items you place on reserve.
Here is how it works:
Library materials may be requested through the online catalog or by calling 908-273-0350, option 3
- Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday and Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- There will be no lobby pickup on Sunday
Once your hold is fulfilled (book/DVD/etc. pulled and put to the side) you will get an email or phone call. At that point, please call us at 908-273-0350 within 1/2 hour of your arrival so that the item can be checked out and placed in the lobby.
What else can you do with your library card?
Funny you should ask! With your library card you can also check out eBooks, eAudiobooks, eGraphic novels, movies, TV shows, music (Hoopla, Libby/Overdrive, Kanopy), learn a foreign language (Rosetta Stone), learn a new skill (Lynda.com), download free music (Freegal), read favorite magazines (Flipster), read The New York Times or Star Ledger online, learn to knit, crochet, quilt or a myriad of other crafts (Creativebug), read digital comics online (ComicsPlus), online books for kids (Tumblebooks), Test Prep for Teens (ACT/SAT), and more! How do you find most of these resources? Just go to our website, select the Resources tab, and explore! Need help finding something? Call us at 908-273-0350, option 3—we are available Monday through Thursday from 9 am-9 pm and Friday/Saturday from 9 am-5 pm. Note, our lobby pick-up hours differ from our Information Desk hours.