Summit Library Celebrates Careers of Susan Permahos and Susan Tamhankar

Summit Library Celebrates Permahos and Tamhankar

Submitted by Rebecca Cohan, Tom Mizisko

The Summit Free Public Library is bidding farewell to two of its beloved staff members: Director Susan Permahos and long-time Administrative Assistant Susan Tamhankar.

At the end of her tenure of nine years as Director of the Summit Free Public Library, Susan Permahos has achieved what she set out to do when hired in 2013. From the start, her enthusiasm, energy, passion, commitment, as well as her excellent administrative and leadership skills were apparent to all those who worked and came in contact with her. She was a visible presence who made herself accessible to her employees and the community at large. She created an inclusive working environment among library staff and inspired them to do their best in delivering excellent programming and customer service to the community.

Ms. Permahos initiated significant changes by increasing library services, such as notary services, intellectually and culturally focused lectures, ESL classes, computer workshops, a monthly series of diverse concerts, an annual Shakespeare in the park theatrical performance, an annual Chinese New Year celebration, and many others. She revived community interest and involvement in the library; a “Friends of the Library” group—which successfully raised thousands of dollars for library resources—and a Library Foundation were re-established through her efforts.

A campaign to publicize the library, as well as its resources and services, resulted in more people using the library than ever before. As a result of her relentless hard work, advocacy, and skill as a grant-writer and fundraiser, the library became a state of the art facility, acquiring the latest technology, including a public fax, scanner, 3-D printer, color printer, a new sound system, and movie and presentation equipment. Her creative vision to reconfigure the interior space of the facility enabled the library to expand the space for community functions, and rooms for patrons who needed a quiet area to study or hold a meeting.

She solicited input from the staff and community and engaged in outreach to many different groups in the Summit community to determine what services and resources they wanted the library to provide; she built strong partnerships and alliances with other community organizations and the schools which has resulted in an increase of students using the library, its facility, resources and services.

Under Ms. Permahos’ direction, the library has not only thrived but become a trusted and welcoming presence in the community for exceptional research, instruction, and customer service assistance, as well as a hub for learning and exploration, a resource and space for everyone: children, students, parents, immigrants, business people, and retirees to enlarge and enrich their spheres of interest, and to study and congregate with others.

“At Susan’s first staff meeting, she asked us to think of opportunities when we could tell patrons ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’. She has worked hard to improve customer service, expand access to information, and increase library programming for the Summit community ever since. Her positive impact on the library will be felt for many years to come. She will be greatly missed.” – Abigail Brady, Head of Adult Services

The Library is also bidding farewell to Susan Tamhankar, who has worked for the library since 2001. She began part-time as a circulation assistant, moved to full time in January 2004, and then moved to the Administrative Office as the Administrative Assistant in September 2006. She has worked in the administrative office for almost 16 years. In that time, she was extremely efficient, organized, disciplined, helpful to all staff and patrons, and always pleasant on the phone and with patrons.

“During the pandemic year when Susan T. was working offsite, I had the honor of being her “hands” in the office a couple of times. Susan T. is a true professional and held her part of the library together. She mixes this professionalism together with care and kindness for all of us. One of our treasures, and we have been lucky and blessed to have known and worked with her.” – Suzanne Hurley, Circulation

“Susan T has been so kind to me since I started working at the library. She is always smiling, and pleasant and helpful, both adaptable and extremely organized. She has been very accommodating all the time I’ve worked with her. I wish her the best moving forward, and it was a privilege to be able to work with her.” – Tom Mizisko, PR

“Thank you [Susan Tamhankar] for your kindness and professionalism over the years and for everything you have done for the library. I wish you a happy next step and hope that retirement treats you well.” – Elizabeth Hathaway, Adult Services

We wish Susan Permahos and Susan Tamhankar well and hope and believe that their successors will build on all their achievements.

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