(above) Ryan and Dana Felmet celebrate their first annual February Fun Fest charity event in 2017.
Summit February Fun Fest 2020
In 2017, Summit residents, Ryan and Dana Felmet, established an annual charity fundraising event called “February Fun Fest,” at which 100 percent of the monies raised benefit select charities which have included Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, the YWCA of Union County, Cancer Research Institute, and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The couple sponsor the event with their own funds, and invite friends, family, and the local community to join a fun filled night which features guest speakers from each of the benefiting charities, light appetizers donated from local restaurants and businesses, raffle baskets donated by attendees and local businesses, and much more.
“Our community, family, and friends continue to show a remarkable sense of generosity and support to the event and its charitable causes. With their support, we have now raised over $14,000 for charity and given back over $5,000 in gifts to our community since 2017”, said Ryan, the event Founder.
This year’s event will once again take place at Summit Elks Lodge on Saturday, February 8, from 8 p.m. – 11 p.m. The 2020 event will feature food, music, gift baskets and games. Representatives from each charity will be in attendance and will make a brief presentation about their respective cause. This year, the event will benefit Cancer Research Institute, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and Chron’s and Colitis Foundation. Attendees are encouraged to make a donation to one or more of the beneficiaries.
Alfred Massidas, CFO of Cancer Research Institute, who will attend the event for the third straight year, said in response to previous events, “It means so much to all of us at the Cancer Research Institute to be named a charity beneficiary of February Fun Fest. Donations from the Felmet’s family, friends and the community help fuel our mission to save more lives with immunotherapy research.”
Ryan added, “My wife and I have close personal connections with people who are impacted by a variety of unfortunate circumstances and we feel fortunate to be in a position to help make a difference. Important issues including uncured diseases, cancer, and mental illness, are just a few examples of why we are supporting organizations who are making a difference.”
We encourage local businesses and vendors participate in our fast growing event, as the majority of attendees are area residents. If you have questions, would like to donate, or are interested in sponsorship, please visit FebruaryFunFest.org or contact Ryan at FebruaryFunFest@gmail.com.

(above) Ryan and Dana Felmet and Charity Representatives celebrate the 2019 February Fun Fest charity event.