Summit Old Guard October Events
If you are a retired male and have an interest in living an interesting life with like-minded men, join the Summit Old Guard…new members are always welcomed. Meetings are held each Tuesday in the New Providence Borough Hall, 360 Elkwood Ave., New Providence, NJ, starting at 9:30 a.m. with coffee and conversation, followed by programs consisting of stimulating talks. After the meetings, many members join together to have lunch at various local restaurants.
For more information, contact James Hewitt, Chairman, Membership Committee, (908) 233-5507, You can also visit
October Speakers
October 1: What are algorithms and how do they shape our lives?: Al Aho, Professor Emeritus of computer science at Columbia University will illustrate what algorithms are and how they shaping all aspects of our daily lives from healthcare to finance to entertainment. He will also explain why some people speculate they will determine the ultimate fate of humankind. The discussion will take place at the New Providence Borough Hall on October 1, at 9.30 a.m. until 11.30 a.m.
October 8: Dr. Mihai Banu, Founder and CTO, Blue Danube Systems discusses the effect that 5G will have on our lives. Is it the Hollywood inspired vision of robots taking over our household chores, self-driving cars, surgeons operating on patients thousands of miles away, or is it something in between? In this presentation, he will explain what 5G is and what is not and how it is different from 4G. He will also discuss the implications of this evolution for common users as well as for the industrial complex. The discussion will take place at the New Providence Municipal Building on Oct. 8 at 9.30 am. until 11.30 am.
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