With the holiday season in full swing, Union High School Student Assistance Counselor Lucille Williams along with Physical Education and Health Teacher Adriane Damiano wanted to help spread holiday cheer with positivity. The assignment: tell your fellow classmates what pride means to you. The display: “Deck the Halls with Union Pride.” In the fall, the senior class got together to help welcome their fellow classmates back for another school year with their messages of encouragement; it was now the junior classes turn. During their health classes students wrote down their thoughts in an effort to unite their classmates and teachers. Williams shared, “in light of all the negativity we hear on the news these days, we wanted to do something simple to help force out the negativity and shine a positive light throughout the school. It worked wonderfully with the seniors at the beginning of the year; and now with the juniors. I hope to continue with the sophomores and freshman as the year goes on. It’s important for students to share their thoughts and create a welcoming environment for students to attend school every day.”
Throughout out the hallways near the school’s cafeterias, colorful Holiday Lights adorned with positive messages of what Union Pride means including: “Be proud of your work,” “Be proud of what you do,” “Work together as a family,” “Be proud of who you are,” “Stay strong,” “Stay positive,” “There is only you;” and simple messages including: “Teamwork,” “Understanding,” “Family,” and more. Damiano added, “It was really wonderful to see how the students reacted to the project. They worked together and really showed us what pride means to them. I am happy to have been a part of such a special project, and I hope we can continue these messages throughout the rest of the school year.”

(above) Students discuss a special holiday project worked on by the Junior class of Union High School. Top Row left to right- Jason Romano, Kya Smith, Summer Chaudry , Nicole Losada, Ashali Kumar, Theresa Nnoli, Briana Young Bottom left to right- Jordan James, Ishmeil Scott, Dasia White, Isaiah Vaughn