Students at Hehnly School “Mix It Up” During Lunch

Walking into the cafeteria can be a scary place for some students. Some students wonder who will I be sitting with, will I sit by myself, or is anyone going to talk to me. To start to break down these social barriers, Mrs. Bergin, principal at Hehnly and Mrs. Badillo, school counselor initiated the first “Mix It Up” day at lunch for students in grades 2-5. Students were encouraged through a video created by Mrs. Badillo to either make a new friend or get to know someone better. The overall response from students was positive as they enjoyed sitting with other students. We look forward to hosting our next Mix It Up Day in the near future.


I was able to sit and know more about someone.
– Nina Sangiuliano.

It was nice to sit with different people.
– Keira Kaminskas

I learned that just saying “hi” can make a new friend.
– Michael Shelhorn

Through Mix It Up Day, I learned that I don’t need to sit next to the same kids.
-Michael Brady
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