Student Walk-A-Thon for LINKS Helps Fight Hunger

Student Walk-A-Thon for LINKS

Linden Public Schools

The Linden Interfaith Network for Community Services (LINKS) held a district-wide school food drive. Beginning April 22nd and ending on May 13th, each Linden Public School building held a Walk-A-Thon to help fight Hunger. 

The Annual Walk-A-Thon is sponsored by the Linden Board of Education, The City of Linden, and The Linden Education Association. Students from all Linden Schools participate by bringing donations to the Walk and showing their support . It is a wonderful tradition that bring awareness to the needs of the Pantry and the families it services.

LINCS Food Pantry is a volunteer-based organization that services over 200 families monthly. LINCS has give-a-way days the third week of every month but is available at any time if a family is in need. They also have special holiday food events so families can enjoy traditional holiday meals. Organized over 35 years ago LINCS has been a blessing for Linden families and families in the surrounding areas.

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