Ten ladies who are members of the Home Life Department of the Woman’s Club of Westfield spent an afternoon together recently busily filling, with much eagerness, many, many Christmas stockings to the brim with a card of greeting, writing pads, pens, decks of cards, candy, lotion, fun items and so much more. The stockings will be shipped to those active in the military with the hope of bringing a smile to a soldier’s face and as a way of showing our appreciation and thanks for all the work that service men and women do, and all the sacrifices they make defending our country.
These stockings will join many other stockings as part of the “Boatsie Boxes” delivery system. Boatsie Boxes began in 2004 when Master Sergeant Patrick R. Boatsie’s mother, Gail, forwarded a personal request from the Deputy of Programs in Bagdad for personal items needed for the military in Bagdad hospitals. Four months later Master Sergeant Boatsie was deployed from Bagdad to Iraq and the care package delivery system was extended to include any deployed troop in need of support.
The Woman’s Club of Westfield meets at a general meeting the second Monday of the month held at The Masonic Lodge In Westfield. Ladies with interest in joining the Club are urged to write to The Woman’s Club of Westfield, P.O. Box 1157, Mountainside, NJ 07092 for more information.

The Woman’s Club of Westfield Members (above l-r) Front row: Anne Magnotti, Pat D’Angelo, Vivian O’Neil, Julie Nardone, and Mary Ann Sepe. Second row: Nancy Muserlian, Ruth Positan, Nancy Hatfield, Diana Peterson and Jane Wallswear.