Stirling Volunteer Fire Co. Inducts Past Fire Chief Steve Remington into Life Membership

(above) Steve Remington at a firefighter training event.

Fire Chief Steve Remington Receives Life Membership

Submitted by Frank Reilly

Steve Remington recently was inducted as a Life Member of the Stirling Volunteer Fire Co. To become a Life Member a firefighter must have served as an active member for 20 years. Steve Remington not only served all those years, but he is still a very active firefighter. For more than 12 years he has held the officer ranks of Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, and Chief as well as served on several committees, on which he is still a committee chairman and active member.

In fact, he was the Fire Chief during the Township’s largest structure fire in January 14, 2010, when the combination consignment shop with two apartments above, was destroyed in a spectacular fire. Miraculously, no one died or was injured.

In 2000 he was awarded the coveted Firefighter of the Year Award for exceptional knowledge, leadership, and service in firefighting. This award may only be presented to a firefighter once in his lifetime. He has been and will continue to be a respected mentor especially to new firefighters.

Known as “Remy” to his brother firefighters, when he was elected to Life Membership he received a standing ovation and he wholeheartedly thanked the members for bestowing this honor on him saying, “I also feel honored to have worked alongside exceptional individuals who hold the same vigor and passion of serving and protecting Long Hill Township. As my son Jack follows in my footsteps, I look forward to mentoring new members and helping this Department continue to grow and flourish in its endeavors to protect the Township and residents. Thank you and God bless you all.”

(above) Steve Remington operating a fire engine at a house fire.

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