SPF Student Government Association Makes Donation to Breast Cancer Center

The Student Government Association at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School donated $750 to the Breast Center at Overlook Hospital. Funds were raised by selling pink homecoming tee shirts in honor of breast cancer awareness month.
The tee shirts were worn by students at the Homecoming football game and they were so popular, they sold out! The entire Student Government Association presented the $750 to representative at Overlook Hospital on Friday, December 2nd.

(above l-r) Front row: Lukas Stein, Katherine Keiser, Max Lusk; Back row: Benjamin Schneider, M.D. and Anne Davidson, Medical Director and Coordinantor of the Breast Center, respectively; Alexa Hudak, Taylor Zucosky, Gia Pares, Grace Murphy, Gabriella Marino, Sam Lusk, Henry Lewand.