SPF Board of ED Bids Farewell to Retirees

On June 1, 2016 the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education and the PTA honored twentysix faculty and staff members who retired from the district. This year’s retirees were outstanding educators, instructional aides, lunch/general aides, office assistants, executive secretaries, custodians, and one extraordinary Fine Arts and Music Supervisor. Each retiree was presented with a personalized resolution honoring their years of service.

(above l-r) Chris Cahill, Marian Duelks, Bronna Lipton, Vincent Turturiello, Laurie Call, Mary Kate Schiller, Marilyn Masucci, Maryanne Degnan, Janet Ramos, Yvonne Walker, Lydia Candler, Pat Brown, Leslie Franko, Larry Bishop, Michelle Malozzi, and Anne Blauth.

(above l-r) Chris Cahill, Marian Duelks, Bronna Lipton, Vincent Turturiello, Laurie Call, Mary Kate Schiller, Marilyn Masucci, Maryanne Degnan, Janet Ramos, Yvonne Walker, Lydia Candler, Pat Brown, Leslie Franko, Larry Bishop, Michelle Malozzi, and Anne Blauth.