Share Your Pandemic Stories with the Chatham Historical Society

Living in History: Share Your Story

Submitted by Pat Wells

We are making history today just by living our daily lives in the middle of a pandemic. As a keeper of history, the Chatham Township Historical Society is asking the public to tell us about your life right now. For example, how have things changed for you and your family? What are you doing? What are you reading, cooking, crafting? What are you doing for entertainment? How are you managing work, school, social connections? How are you, your family and friends managing stress? What would you want a future generation to know about living in this point of time?

We want to hear from adults and kids. You don’t have to be a Township resident to participate. Wherever you live you are part of this.

Make it long or short. Tell us one thing or tell us a lot. Write it, record it, draw it. Photographs would be great! You can submit your story to, to Chatham Township Historical Society P.O. Box 262, Chatham, NJ 07928, or on Facebook at

Please help us make this historical record.

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