SCOTCH PLAINS – The 2014 NJ Group 6A State Champion & National Gold Metal Scotch Plains-Fanwood Marching Band hosted their 17th
Annual Marching Band Festival on Saturday, September 19.The musical festival was held at the Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School (SPFHS) Varsity Field. Eight bands competed for trophies and all who attended were inspired by marching band performances by NJ area marching bands. The 180-member SPFHS Raider Marching Band performed their 2015 show Chance Love – Tales Beneath a Persian Moon under the direction of Durand Thomas.
Westfield Marching Band performed “The Caged Bird Sings”, while Scotch Plains performed for the audience and did not compete. Westfield High School took first place in Group 5A with a score of 79.325.
SPFHS is located at 667 Westfield Road, Scotch Plains. The varsity field is located behind the high school at the rear of the parking lot.

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