Scotch Plains Team Places 4th at Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

(above) Scotch Plains team: Arhaan Malviya, Alyssa Koganti, Myra Masand, Rudra Mair, Vihaan Malviya and Zia Shah. 
Courtesy photo

Odyssey of the Mind World Finals success

Township of Scotch Plains

The Scotch Plains team secured fourth place at the Odyssey of the Mind- World Finals held at Iowa State University, Ames, IA. The competition – in its 41st year – emphasizes creativity and teamwork and continues to be the largest international creative problem-solving competition in the world.

The Scotch Plains team competed against 56 other teams, including international teams, (Poland, China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Netherlands, Germany and more)  and many others from across America.

Our champs received a standing recognition and earned a permanent spot at the OOTM leader board – given only to the top six teams in every category.

Congrats to the Scotch Plains team: Arhaan Malviya, Alyssa Koganti, Myra Masand, Rudra Mair, Vihaan Malviya and Zia Shah!