Scotch Plains Italian American Club Dedicates Montazzoli Plaza

On June 4, 2016 the Scotch Plains Italian American Club held a dedication ceremony for the plaza located in front of their club house at 1976 Valley Avenue in Scotch Plains. The location was named Montazzoli Plaza in tribute to the Italian Village in the Abruzzi Region of Italy where many of the original immigrants from 1906 originated. The club and its members still have strong ties to thier hometown.
Joe Bruno was the master of ceremonies and introduced Father David Santos of St. Bartholomew Church to give the invocation. Former New Jersey Governor Donald DeFrancesco was the guest speaker and spoke ot the meaning of the Montazzolesse Heritage. Scotch Plains Mayor Kevin Glover presented a proclamation to the club’s president, John Appezzato. Mayor Colleen Mahr from neighboring Fanwood also addressed he crowd.
Entertainment was supplied by the Moonglowers, a band made up of students from Scotch Plains Fanwood High School.
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