Scotch Plains Fanwood First SPF PAL Day to be held May 12

Submitted by Bruce Moran

Do parents and players want to meet PAL coaches in various sports while enjoying food, beverages, and games?
Well, the Scotch Plains Fanwood PAL will hold its first SPF PAL Day on May 12, 2018, at Brookside Park in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
The event at the park, which is located on Hetfield Avenue, will begin at 10 a.m. and run until 4 p.m.
Guests will be treated to hamburgers and hot dogs from the grill while beverages will be served as well. Games for the kids will also be provided.
Coaches from all sports programs will be available to discuss the upcoming seasons and answer any questions that parents and players may have.
Meanwhile this event will also allow for parents to register their children for the 2018 PAL football season. A registration form is provided here so you can bring the form with a check or cash that day. Or you can fill out the form at Brookside Park or you can still register on-line by visiting the site. Whatever option works best for you.
Cheerleaders are also invited to the Brookside Park on May 12 since cheer coaches from the grade programs will be on hand, too. However, registration for cheerleaders regarding the 2018 season will remain on on-line only so please go the site to sign up.
Spread the word and bring friends.
If any parent has a question before the SF PAL Day, please email Bruce Moran, the vice president of the Scotch Plains Fanwood PAL, at