School Staff Participate in Medical Mission Trips

(above) Warren Township Schools’ French Teacher Kristen Boni, Waves of Health volunteer Martha Raimon, and Boni’s niece and volunteer Lilly Koerner in the Dominican Republic during a recent medical mission trip.

Medical Mission Trips

Warren Township Schools

Two Warren Township Schools’ employees recently dedicated their time as volunteers on medical mission trips outside the country. Nurse Lisa Lontai traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, and French Teacher Kristen Boni to the Dajabon area in the Dominican Republic.

Lontai first heard about the Medical Mission trip with the organization Family Hope Charity from retired Watchung Hills Regional High School Nurse Nan Masterson, who traveled with Lontai to Nairobi from October 14 through October 22. 

Family Hope Charity is a non-profit organization that partners with specialized organizations around the globe to develop sustainable programs that help support impoverished children and young adults.

Boni completed her fifth medical mission trip with the Waves of Health organization from November 5 through November 13. Waves of Health is a non-profit medical organization that supports and educates individuals worldwide in underserved communities. Boni’s husband, Dr. Christopher Boni, Internal Medicine, is a founding member of the organization.

Both Lontai and Boni were responsible for paying their airfare and travel expenses for their trips. 

Lontai launched a fundraiser to help offset a portion of the trip’s cost, and Boni received school supply donations. 

Lontai’s group saw as many as 1,000 patients, some of whom traveled up to sixty miles by foot to be seen by American doctors and nurses. Community members sought care for many ailments, such as sexually transmitted diseases, end-stage cancer, tumors, pregnancy, scabies, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), malnutrition, dental concerns, and more. Lontai was troubled by the extreme lack of preventative care. “Many patients suffered from illnesses we don’t usually see in the United States because of timely care. The people of Korogocho are lucky if they can receive medical care once every six months.” 

Boni’s team of volunteers provided primary medical and pharmaceutical care to approximately 800 patients in five communities on the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. “Patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension were provided with up to six months of medications,” stated Boni. “All children and women of childbearing age were given multivitamins and a supply of basic over-the-counter medications.” The group also provided each community with clothing, shoes, toys, baby blankets, and school supplies that Warren Middle School students had donated. 

(above) Warren Township Schools’ Nurse Lisa Lontai with retired Watchung Hills Regional High School Nurse Nan Masterson in Korogocho, Kenya, during a medical mission trip.

When asked if this experience impacted Lontai as a Professional Nurse, she responded, “I feel more confident in my nursing skills; this experience made me aware of my abilities. We didn’t have modern equipment like we would in America. It was essential to take accurate assessments. Many people were visiting the clinic with respiratory concerns, and without diagnostic tests available, I had to rely on my eyes, ears, and hands to assess patients and make diagnoses.”

The experience, friendships, and service have left a lasting impression on Lontai. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others; that is what the nursing profession is all about; serving others. This experience helped the residents of Korogocho, but it also taught me a lot about myself and gave me a true sense of humility. “

Boni hopes her experience will help her students appreciate the importance of service to others. “As teachers, we are models for our students. At the beginning of the school year, I shared my plans to go on this medical mission, and I asked for donations of school supplies. From the generosity of the Warren families, I collected over 75 zip lock bags of school supplies to hand out to children who visited the clinics.”

Boni’s participation with Waves of Health has given her a unique perspective. “It makes me very thankful to live in the United States, to have access to quality health care and clean water, to have fresh food, fruit, and vegetables, to have a steady income and a roof over my head, and to have a stable family life. I am also thankful to teach in a school where there is ample access to the Internet, books, and school supplies.”

Lontai and Boni exemplify the district’s motto, “Shining Brighter Every Day.” The school district thanks both educators for their compassion and devotion to those in need. Their service to others provides a wonderful example for the students of Warren Middle School.