Teachers, support staff and administrators in the Westfield Public School district attended an In-Service on February 12 while schools were closed for students at the start of Presidents weekend. “In-service days are an opportunity to spend time with colleagues collaborating, articulating, and learning as we prepare for the stretch-run to the end of the school year,” stated Paul Pineiro, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Program. Morning and afternoon sessions were coordinated by grade level, school or department. At the end of each professional development workshop, participants completed an online survey that enables the district to review suggestions and comments when planning future learning opportunities. As the In-Service came to a close, Superintendent of Schools, Margaret Dolan, remarked, “When visiting the schools during these energized sessions, I had the opportunity to further observe our staff’s collaboration and their commitment to Westfield students as well as to their own professional development.”

(above) Members of the Special Services Department attending a workshop on assisting students with Dyslexia. Included among the more than 25 in attendance were (seated, l-r) Debby Posluszy, Lincoln School Speech Therapist; Beth Link-Richardson, Physical Therapist; and Kristen Ecklund and Heather Alvarez, School Psychologists, with Michael Weissman, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services.