Linden School No.1 hosted their annual “Muffins for Mom” because Principal Dona Preston, teachers and staff realize how important the relationship is between home and school. The line of moms went down the hall, through the door and outside onto the sidewalk. This is an event that is famous at Linden School No. 1. The moms were celebrated and treated to a light breakfast with coffee and juice provided by Pomptonian Food Services. Over 400 moms and their families came out for the fun family event. The happy faces, smiles, giggles and laughter are just a few of the joyful sounds that filled the gymnasium.
The moms had an opportunity to speak with teachers in a relaxed setting while enjoying some quality time with their children. Many moms said this program is like a small slice of heaven because they did not have to feed anyone at home. Someone else took care of breakfast and the dishes.
At Linden School No. 1 and all of Linden Public Schools we strongly believe that there is an important connection between family and school, especially during the early years. A parent’s role in their child’s early education is critical to their success, and Linden School No. 1 embraces every opportunity to further their success! This was an occasion to get together and celebrate all of the moms of the Linden community.
(above) 4th grader Ethan Gonzalez with his grandmother Carmen Rivera, and his mom Isabel Sosa.
Photos by Linden Public School
(above) “First Mommy of Linden” Mrs. Anna Lucille Armstead and her daughter Sonia Armstead-Pittman along with granddaughter Kendall Pittman.
Photos by Linden Public School