Safe + Sound Somerset Ending Domestic Abuse Once and For All

Domestic abuse is an epidemic affecting individuals in our communities, accompanied by a pattern of abusive behaviors that are used to gain or maintain power and control over a partner; physical violence, sexual assault, financial control, threats, intimidation, isolation and verbal abuse are methods an abusive partner uses to gain control.
Leaving an abusive relationship is not easy and poses threats to the victim and their family and friends. The victim may still be in love with the abuser, in hopes that the situation will change. Feelings of guilt and remorse may overcome the victim as they evaluate leaving the relationship, especially if they have children.
In other cases, the victim may be afraid to leave because of threatening or harassing behavior. Leaving becomes even more difficult if they do not have an independent source of income or the support of family and friends.
Safe+Sound Somerset, a nonprofit agency whose mission is to empower survivors of domestic abuse and engage the community to break the cycle of violence, provides specialized crisis and ongoing supportive services for victims of domestic abuse and their children throughout Somerset County. Safe+Sound Somerset offers a comprehensive range of services to adults and children, including a 24-hour toll-free Call or Text Crisis Hotline, (866) 685-1122.
Safe+Sound Somerset provides safe-house protection, transitional housing and support to victims of domestic abuse, individual or group counseling and legal advocacy.
The overall goal is to empower clients with tools to increase their safety and reduce the risk of future harm to themselves and their children. Ultimately, clients and their children have the capacity to live free from abuse.
Safe+Sound Somerset’s Community Education Program provides information to the diverse populations within the County about the dynamics of domestic abuse, teen dating violence and the agency’s programs.
All client services, community education and training are provided free of charge in English and Spanish. Safe+Sound Somerset is exclusively dedicated to serving those whose lives have been impacted by domestic abuse.
As a round-the-clock program, Safe+Sound Somerset stands ready to help by providing a safe, supportive and empowering environment that promotes healing and assists individuals as they move forward in their journey from victims to survivors. Confidential services are provided to all survivors of domestic abuse – women, men and children.