Submitted by Nancy Jackson
Philip Salerno, President of the Rotary Club of Westfield, convened the 97-year-old service organization’s annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony Luncheon on June 12, 2018 at the Westfield Area Y announcing that 18 college-bound Westfield students would be the recipients of scholarships totaling $98,000.
Rotarian Carl Peer, chairman of this year’s scholarship committee, presided, first welcoming invited guests including the scholarship winners, their parents, and School Board President Gretchen Ohlig. Offering brief remarks containing their observations and congratulations were Mayor Shelly Brindle, Dr. Margaret Dolan, Superintendent of Schools, herself a Rotarian, and High School Principal Dr. Derrick Nelson.
Representing The Westfield Foundation, which manages the investments of several of the named funds comprised of donations and bequests by Rotarians, their families and friends, were trustees and Rotarians Barbara Frantz, and Ray Kostyak. Donald Maxwell, son of the late Donald (Bob) Maxwell, a member of the club for 68 years with perfect attendance, and his daughter, Kate, were also in attendance. Rotarian William Bonsall honored the late Harry Sturcke, also a Rotarian for 68 years, commenting on his outstanding generosity and legacy.
Peer introduced Marta Alexandre, Chairman of Westfield Rotary Club Foundation, which is the non-profit fundraising arm of the club. She congratulated Mr. Peer and the Scholarship Committee for their conscientious work. She announced that since its inception as “The College Fund,” the foundation has awarded more than $3 million. Peer led applause in appreciation for those who served on the 2018 scholarship selection committee: Mary Ellen O’Boyle, Philip Richardson, Chung Kun Shih, Anthony LaPorta, Nancy Jackson and Deirdre Gelinne.
Candidates for scholarships must be residents of the town who are graduating seniors enrolled in accredited high schools. Criteria for consideration, according to Peer, are based on academic achievement, service to the community and financial need. He commented, “The committee members are congratulated on their diligence. The applications and supporting detail are carefully reviewed and every candidate who meets the criteria receives a personal interview.”
Commencing with the proceedings, Peer, the selection committee members and The Westfield Foundation trustees introduced the scholarship recipients, presented their scholarships and announced the colleges they will be attending:
Two Charles & Florence Wallace Scholarships, totaling $15,000 each for four years to Shea Elliot, University of Chicago and Clair Hunter, The College of New Jersey.
Health Sciences Scholarship in Memory of Linda Reed, $8,000, to Julia Vricella-Stokes, Villanova University.
Two Robert M. & Winifred M. Reed Law/Government Service Scholarships, $5,000 each, to Julia Robb, University of Vermont and Julia Schiano, Michigan State University.
Charles & Florence Wallace Scholarship, $5,000, to Caroline Stockwell, the University of Rochester.
Three scholarships in memory of Harry Sturcke, $5,000 each, to Julian Mazzola, The New School, Ophelia Murray, West Virginia University and Haley MyKytka, Syracuse University.
Chester A. Gerdes Scholarship, $4,000, to Noah Ensslin, Stevens Institute of Technology.
Georgianna Pollack Scholarship, $4,000, to Matthew Doyle, Fordham University.
Bob Maxwell Scholarship, $2,000, to Tyler Wright, Clemson University.
Six Rotary Club Scholarships went to James Cerria, $4,000 for Purdue University; Daniel Scalia, $4,000 for Rutgers University; Steven Warren $4,000 for Washington & Lee University; Rollins Terry, $3,000 for the University of Virginia; Joseph Ensslin, $3,000 for the University of Pittsburgh, and Gabriela Ryan, $2,000 for the University of North Carolina.

(above) Rotary Club Foundation of Westfield’s 2018 college scholarship awardees who received a combined total of $98,000. Dr. Margaret Dolan, Superintendent of Schools (left) joins them with Rotarian Carl Peer (right) who chaired the selection committee.